Nigeria’s Anambra State Details Planned Projects

Anambra State Investment Promotion and Protection Agency (ANSIPPA) has outlined key planned projects to be executed in the Nigerian state in its recently published 2023 report. 
The raft of projects includes industrial parks, a rail network, shopping mall and an entertainment city. 
The publication of the report follows ANSIPPA’s inaugural investment summit, which was held in September 2023. At the summit, the agency signed various project agreements with African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) and about a dozen memoranda of understanding (MoUs) for the development of infrastructure projects. 
The details of the projects contained in the report are summarised below.
Anambra/Ikenga Mixed-Use Industrial City  Planned to be developed in Ikenga, Anambra/Ikenga industrial city will include zones for industrial operations, special economic areas, research and development institutions, logistics and warehousing facilities, commercial and retail spaces, residential areas and green spaces. The project will also incorporate an amusement park and an airstrip to facilitate cargo operations. According to local media, the city will occupy 4,000 hectares of land.
In September 2023, India’s Artelia Consulting Engineers was awarded a US$200,000 deal to design the masterplan, which is due to be completed during the first quarter.
Land acquisition is also due to be completed during the first quarter, with land clearing and access roads construction to commence in the second quarter. Meanwhile, the state government has applied for the industrial city to gain SEZ status.
The UAE’s Arise Integrated Industrial Platform (ARISE IIP) has been engaged as a potential joint venture partner for the development and management of the city.
The Anambra Mixed-Use Industrial City will encompass additional projects such as the Anambra Export Emporium, an automotive assembly plant and a pharmaceutical manufacturing hub. 
The Anambra Export Emporium project involves building a hub where export-bound products will be showcased, standardised, branded and readied for export. The feasibility contract was awarded to PwC Nigeria in 2023, with the study due to take 40 days and to be completed in in May.   
Also known as the Nnewi Automotive Industrial Park, the Akwaihedi Unubi Uga (AUU) Automotive Industrial Park will be constructed on 80 hectares of land donated by the Akwaihedi, Unubi and Uga communities and will be a centralised manufacturing hub for the production of automotive components and vehicles. The Anambra government has signed an MoU for the park with the local OMAA Global Technology & Engineering to become an anchor tenant.
The Ogboji pharmaceuticals park is a mixed-use development spread across 200 hectares. It is planned to house more than 100 pharmaceutical companies and a pharmaceutical training institute. As of November 2023, 15 manufacturers had agreed to set up shop at the park. The government has signed MoUs with the local Nimet Pharmaceuticals, Green Life Pharmaceuticals and the Association of Industrial Pharmacists of Nigeria.
Anambra/Ikenga Mixed-Use Industrial City  Source: ANSIPPA   Anambra Intra-City Rail  The Anambra Intra-City Rail project entails the development of a multi-modal transport system to move people and goods with the aim of alleviating road congestion and invigorating the state’s economy through connections with major cities, urban areas and economic corridors. The railway is planned to connect the cities of Awka, Ekwulọbịa, Nnewi and Onitsha.
In 2023, the state secured funding from Afreximbank for the design of the rail masterplan and subsequently engaged Canada’s CPCS Transcom at a cost of US$500,000.
CPCS will identify, among other things, the appropriate corridors within the state for rail-based systems, the correct rail technology to deploy within those corridors, and how to integrate Anambra’s rail network to the larger federal network. The firm will also craft a business case that evaluates feasibility, funding sources and the economic benefits of building the railway.
The Canadian firm is expected to submit the completed masterplan in during the first quarter. The timetable for completing the phase one design is the third quarter, and the procurement process is due to be concluded in the fourth quarter 2024.
The state has also conducted stakeholder engagements and received a report on the phase one route and alignment selection to illustrate the connectivity between urban hubs in the state. 
Anambra Intra-City Rail map Source: ANSIPPAAwka Shopping Mall  The Awka Shopping Mall, located in the heart of Anambra’s capital, is being developed through a Naira 6 billion (US$4 million) joint venture agreement with local retailer Sundry Markets.
On 3 February, Anambra State New Media reported that the state government had handed over the project site to the retailer. The state government plans to commission the completed project during the fourth quarter 2024.
The Anambra State Government today, successfully handed over the Awka Shopping Mall project site to Sundry Markets Ltd marking a significant step following the Joint Venture agreement inked at the Anambra Investment Summit.
— ANSIPPA (@ANSIPPA) February 2, 2024

Awka Shopping Mall renderingSource: ANSIPPASolution Fun City  Construction has begun on a 12.7-hectare fun city located in Awka. The scope of work includes building amusement and water parks, a country club, cinema, tennis, volleyball and football courts, park, access road and gate house and landscaping.  
The government plans to commence the process for engaging managers for the fun city in the second quarter and achieve 60-70% completion of the construction by the fourth quarter.

Solution Fun City renderingSource: ANSIPPA
Neni Water Scheme  The Neni water project involves building 16 solar-powered boreholes in Neni city and is being undertaken as a public, private and community partnership (PPCP) between Anambra state government, the local Birsa Water and the Neni Town Union. The state will fund the boreholes, power and tanks, while Neni Town Union will manage the pipelines, tanks and meters, and Birsa Water will oversee the operations and expansion.
During 2023, talks were initiated with independent power producers to provide solar energy for the project. The aim is for the Neni community to commence reticulation to homes in the first quarter. The state government intends to commence construction of tanks and drilling of boreholes during the third quarter, with the installation of solar plants to follow in the fourth quarter 2024.
Green Village Electrification (GVE) Project  The state government has signed a Naira 3 billion (US$2 million) MoU with Green Village Energy for the GVE project, which focuses on sustainable electricity access in Anambra state, commencing in the Anambra West area. The scheme involves deploying mini-grid photovoltaic solar solutions with metered payment systems in the Nzam, Oroma Etiti, Umudora-Anam and Umuenwelum communities.
So far, the Anambra government has organised stakeholder engagements, handed over existing state-owned distribution infrastructure for the project, begun the procurement of equipment and completed an energy audit for the relevant communities. It aims to break ground on the project in during the second quarter and complete the first phase by the end of the year.
OMAA Assembly Plant  The OMAA automotive assembly plant is under construction in Umunya by OMAA Global Technology & Engineering. OMAA has teamed up with Kojo Motors for the assembly of OMAA and Yutong gas-powered vehicles, including the conversion of existing engines to compressed natural gas (CNG). The plant is set to be commissioned in the second quarter 2024. There is the potential for its future relocation to the new automotive industrial park of which OMAA has agreed to be an anchor tenant.
NKO Farms Project  Through a US$3 million agreement with NKO Farms, the Anambra government is looking to establish a comprehensive agro-processing facility, an agriculture institute, a mechanised farm and a modern animal husbandry operation focused on export produce.
The government is aiming to finalise land allocation during the first quarter and break ground for the agricultural institute and production facility in the second quarter along with commencing crop cultivation.
Oduigbo Market Redevelopment  The Oduigbo market project involves the renovation of the 7,000-square-metre market in the Onitsha South area to address safety concerns and revitalise the facilities.
The work includes the construction of multi-level buildings comprising a total of 572 stores, catering to both open and locked configurations. It also includes building walkways, drainage networks, access roads, parking facilities and green spaces. The market is also planned to be the state’s first off-grid solar-powered market.
Today’s Fashion Investment Limited has been engaged as the private sector partner for the project and construction is underway. During the first quarter, the state government plans to hold discussions with an independent power producer to provide solar energy for the market. Handover and commissioning of the market is planned for the second quarter.
Other projects planned for Anambra state that were discussed at the September investment summit include the dredging of the River Niger and operalisation of the Onitsha River port. An MoU has been signed for this with the local Dozzy Group Nigeria and Universal Elysium.
Top photo: Project discussions (Source: LinkedIn @ ANSIPPA CEO Mark Okoye)

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